How We Met
1. Where did you meet?
We met working at McDonalds.. He worked in the back as a "grill person" I was in the front as a "counter person".. We were both left in charge of our "areas" whenever the manager went on breaks or back to his office. We ended up fighting a lot over who was in charge overall, (I think our manager was playing games with us).. Anyway in the begining we did not like each other very much, okay really we HATED each other.. But the arguing slowly turned into, playful taunting, which turned into flirting.. Then I decided to ask Mike out to a Valentines dance.. It must have shocked my mom, becuase I was always coming home from work complaining to her about this guy that I totally hated, then all of a sudden I was dating him..
2. What was the first thought that went through your head when you met?
Who the heck is that new guy working back in the grill?? Where did he come from??
3. Do you remember what he was wearing?
That one is easy, he was wearing a McDonalds uniform...
4. Where was the first time you kissed this person?
In his car as he dropped me off at the Career center at school, I think it suprised both of us.. We had been dating for a few weeks by then.
5. Where did you go for your first date?
It was a valentines dance at school. But he was really worried becuase one of my friends that had been dating him before dumped him during the homecoming dance (I had talked her into it, as this is while I still hated him) so he was a little worried that he was going to get dumped at this one too..
6. How long did you know this person before you were a couple?
I'm not really sure, probably around 4-6 months.
7. How did he ask you out?
He didn't... It was kind of funny actually, I had told my friend (the one that I had talked into dumping him at the first dance) that I thought I was starting to like him, and she said she was too. After school that day we both were on the look out for him and luckily I saw him first... I ran up to him and asked him to the dance, she was right behind me and asked after I did. He said yes to me becuase I asked him first..
8. Has this person ever purposed to you?
Well we are married now... We had talked about it alot so it wasn't really a suprise.. We had been dating for about 1 1/2 years before we got engaged, we had gone shopping for the rings and stuff... He told me to pick out a few that I liked and when he proposed he had bought my favorite one.
9. Do you and this person have kids together?
3 Beautiful gorgeous kids..
10. Have you ever broken the law with this person?
Yeah I'm sure we have.. Its pretty easy to break the law really, speeding is breaking the law..
11. When was the first time you realized you liked this person?
I had a dream about him one night and that is when things started changing for me. I woke up and didn't hate him so much anymore. Yah I know thats corny..
12. Do you get along with his family?
Yep, I love his family.. they live in California and it is so much fun visiting them..
13. Do you trust this person?
Usually I do.. But let me tell you, watcho out when you are in the shower and there is a cup sitting on the counter, you will be drenched with cold water in seconds.
14. Do you see him as your partner in the future?
Absolutely, He is going to have to put with me for a long time coming.. Who else is going to make me laugh, and not let me sleep on the wrong side of the bed??
15. What is the best gift he has given you?
Right now besides
himself and my kids, it is Gizmo... He is the best doggy in the world. He has given me a thousand other things over the course of our years together, but right now that is what stands out in my head..
16. What is one thing he does that gets on your nerves?
He is a perfectionist... and he watches way to much Forensic files, and 48 hours, and cops, etc.. ....
17. Where do you see each other 15 years from now?
By then it will probably just be us, the kids will all be out of the house and going to college or starting their new lives with their spouses. So it will probably just be us sitting at home arguing with one another about what we are going to watch on TV... Not quite retiring but almost there.
18. What causes the most arguments?
Money... His famous saying is "go pick the money tree"... I Like to spend, and he doesn't..
19. How long have you been together?
Our first date was February 19th 1994 so 15 years..
20. Are you married?
Of course...